Leptospermum laevigatum
Yucca baccata
Native Plant
Michelia figo
Kolkwitzia amabilis
Alyogyne huegelii
Lycianthes rantonnetii
Bougainvillea 'White Madonna'
Calliandra tweedii
Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii'
Carpenteria californica
Native Plant
Teucrium fruticans
Dendromecon rigida
Native Plant
Rhamnus californica
Native Plant
Grevillea 'Canberra Gem'
Plumbago auriculata
Lantana hybrids
Prunus ilicifolia lyonii
Native Plant
Malacothamnus fasciculatus
Native Plant
Berberis lomariifolia
Garrya elliptica
Native Plant
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Search Criteria:  Plant Type: Shrubs | Sun: Any | Height: 6 to 12 Feet | Flower Color: Any | Soil Type: Loam | Flower Season: Spring