Salvia 'Allen Chickering'
Native Plant
Bougainvillea 'La Jolla'
Erysimum 'Bowles Mauve'
Encelia farinosa
Native Plant
Convolvulus cneorum
Eriogonum fasciculatum
Native Plant
Lavandula dentata 'Candicans'
Artemisia californica 'Canyon Gray'
Native Plant
Anisodontea X hypomandarum
Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina'
Native Plant
Justicia californica
Native Plant
Myrtus communis 'Compacta'
Eriogonum crocatum
Native Plant
Berberis repens
Native Plant
Lotus scoparius
Native Plant
Callistemon X viminalis 'Little John'
Euryops pectinatus
Osteospermum fruticosum
Pelargonium X hortorum
Abelia X grandiflora
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Search Criteria:  Plant Type: Shrubs | Sun: Any | Height: 1 to 3 Feet | Flower Color: Any | Soil Type: Sandy | Flower Season: Summer